
Firstname Lastname Nationality Affiliation
Adrià Marly Spain Spain
Alessia Selmi Italy Italy
Ángel Blanco Spain Spain
Anna Bogdanova Russia Germany
Anna Székely Hungary Hungary
Anthony Ciston United States of America Germany
Antonin Fourcade France Germany
Arianna Bienati Italy Italy
Berkutay Mert Turkey Germany
Emilia Jarochowska Poland Netherlands
Francesco Alberti Italy France
Giovanni Ferrari Italy Germany
Jason Charamis Greece Greece
Johannes Kaminski Germany Germany
Johannes Mehrer Germany Switzerland
John Carl Begley United States of America Germany
Jonas Scherer Germany Germany
Karla Matic Croatia Germany
Larissa Behnke Germany Switzerland
Maksim Valialshchikov Russia Germany
Mirja Grote Lambers Germany Germany
Naz Belkaya Turkey Portugal
Patricia Brandl Austria Switzerland
Polina Arbuzova Latvia Germany
Riccardo Cusinato Italy Switzerland
Romain Guiet France Switzerland
Sarah Ashcroft-Jones Ireland United States of America
Stamatis Aliprantis Greece Greece
Stella Verkijk Netherlands Netherlands
Victoria Shevchenko Finland France


Applicants Participants
Pool 141 30
Nationalities 39 16
Countries of affiliation 29 10
Gender: other 4 (2.8%) 1 (3.3%)
Gender: female 72 (51.1%) 14 (46.7%)
Gender: male 65 (46.1%) 15 (50.0%)
Position: PhD student 87 (61.7%) 23 (76.7%)
Position: Master student 21 (14.9%) 0 (0.0%)
Position: Post-Doctorate 10 (7.1%) 3 (10.0%)
Position: Employee 9 (6.4%) 3 (10.0%)
Position: Bachelor student 7 (5.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Position: Technician 3 (2.1%) 0 (0.0%)
Position: Other 3 (2.1%) 0 (0.0%)
Position: Professor 1 (0.7%) 1 (3.3%)
Details for Participants
BORN Count
1983 1 (3.3%)
1986 1 (3.3%)
1987 1 (3.3%)
1988 2 (6.7%)
1989 1 (3.3%)
1991 1 (3.3%)
1992 1 (3.3%)
1993 1 (3.3%)
1994 5 (16.7%)
1995 2 (6.7%)
1996 9 (30.0%)
1997 4 (13.3%)
1999 1 (3.3%)
Germany 5 (16.7%)
Italy 5 (16.7%)
United States of America 2 (6.7%)
Russia 2 (6.7%)
Greece 2 (6.7%)
Turkey 2 (6.7%)
France 2 (6.7%)
Spain 2 (6.7%)
Croatia 1 (3.3%)
Ireland 1 (3.3%)
Austria 1 (3.3%)
Hungary 1 (3.3%)
Finland 1 (3.3%)
Poland 1 (3.3%)
Latvia 1 (3.3%)
Netherlands 1 (3.3%)
Germany 12 (40.0%)
Switzerland 5 (16.7%)
Italy 2 (6.7%)
Greece 2 (6.7%)
France 2 (6.7%)
Netherlands 2 (6.7%)
Spain 2 (6.7%)
Portugal 1 (3.3%)
United States of America 1 (3.3%)
Hungary 1 (3.3%)
No 19 (63.3%)
Yes 11 (36.7%)
0 19 (63.3%)
1 10 (33.3%)
2 1 (3.3%)
User 17 (56.7%)
Minor contributions (bug reports, mailing lists, …) 8 (26.7%)
Project membership 3 (10.0%)
Major contributions (bug fixes, new feature implementations, …) 2 (6.7%)
Competent/Proficient 24 (80.0%)
Novice/Advanced beginner 6 (20.0%)
Competent/Proficient 23 (76.7%)
Novice/Advanced beginner 7 (23.3%)
VCS Count
git 28 (93.3%)
No, I don't habitually use a VCS 2 (6.7%)

Former Students (ASPP, ASPP-Apac, ASPP-LatAm)